Are you searching Kannur University Question Papers? Here You can find METHODOLOGY AND MUSLIM HISTORIOGRAPHY Question Paper
Answer All Questions
Time: 3 Hours
Total Weightage: 27
Fill in the Blanks with suitable words
1. 'History is the unfolding story of Human Freedom' is the opinion made
2. 'Sirah' is the biography of ……………
3. 'Herodotus of the Arabs' is ……………..
4. 'Kitabul Hind' is written by……………...
Choose the right Answer from the choice given below
5. 'Tarikhul Rasul' is a work by
(Al- Baladhuri, Al- Tabari, Al- masudi, Al- Razi)
6 'Maghazi' means
(War History, Peace History, Legal History, Political History)
7. Ibn Khaldun was born in
(Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Syria)
8. 'Tuzuki Babari' is written in
(Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Turkish)
Weightage: 1
Weightage: 1
Answer in one or two words
9. 'History' means
10.'Isnad' is a contribution of
11.Principal work of Al- Masudi is
12.Who is Tuth-i-Hind?
Match the following
13 Holy Quran
14 Arab Historiography
15 Muqaddima
16 Barani
Write True or False
17 History is a Social Science.
18 Sirah-al- Nabiyy is a book authored by Al- Waqidi.
19 Wafayat al A'yan is a geographical dictionary by Ibn Khalliqan.
20 Abul Fazl is a court historian of Babur.
Answer in a paragraph
21 'History is the biography of great men' .Examine.
22 Assess the importance of Hadith in History.
23 What are the main sources of History?
24 Sketch the Features of Muslim Historiography.
25 Write the contributions of Ibn Ishaq to Historiography.
26 State the works of Abdul Qadir Badayuni.
Weightage: 1
- Tarikh-i- Firos Shahi
- Ibn Khaldun
- Isnad
- Prophet Muhammad
Write Short Essays
27 Describe the nature and scope of History.
28 Write a note on the early Arab Historiography.
Weightage: 2
Weightage: 2
29 Examine the relationship between History and Geography.Weightage: 2
30 Assess the role of Al- Biruni as the father of Anthropology.Weightage: 2
Write Essays
31 Write on the salient features of Muslim Historiography. Weightage: 4
32 Give an account of the life and career of Ibn Khaldun.
Weightage: 4
Answer All Questions
Time: 3 Hours
Total Weightage: 27
Fill in the Blanks with suitable words
1. 'History is the unfolding story of Human Freedom' is the opinion made
2. 'Sirah' is the biography of ……………
3. 'Herodotus of the Arabs' is ……………..
4. 'Kitabul Hind' is written by……………...
Choose the right Answer from the choice given below
5. 'Tarikhul Rasul' is a work by
(Al- Baladhuri, Al- Tabari, Al- masudi, Al- Razi)
6 'Maghazi' means
(War History, Peace History, Legal History, Political History)
7. Ibn Khaldun was born in
(Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Syria)
8. 'Tuzuki Babari' is written in
(Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Turkish)
Weightage: 1
Weightage: 1
Answer in one or two words
9. 'History' means
10.'Isnad' is a contribution of
11.Principal work of Al- Masudi is
12.Who is Tuth-i-Hind?
Match the following
13 Holy Quran
14 Arab Historiography
15 Muqaddima
16 Barani
Write True or False
17 History is a Social Science.
18 Sirah-al- Nabiyy is a book authored by Al- Waqidi.
19 Wafayat al A'yan is a geographical dictionary by Ibn Khalliqan.
20 Abul Fazl is a court historian of Babur.
Answer in a paragraph
21 'History is the biography of great men' .Examine.
22 Assess the importance of Hadith in History.
23 What are the main sources of History?
24 Sketch the Features of Muslim Historiography.
25 Write the contributions of Ibn Ishaq to Historiography.
26 State the works of Abdul Qadir Badayuni.
Weightage: 1
- Tarikh-i- Firos Shahi
- Ibn Khaldun
- Isnad
- Prophet Muhammad
Write Short Essays
27 Describe the nature and scope of History.
28 Write a note on the early Arab Historiography.
Weightage: 2
Weightage: 2
29 Examine the relationship between History and Geography.Weightage: 2
30 Assess the role of Al- Biruni as the father of Anthropology.Weightage: 2
Write Essays
31 Write on the salient features of Muslim Historiography. Weightage: 4
32 Give an account of the life and career of Ibn Khaldun.
Weightage: 4
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