University Of Pune Question Paper
M.M.S./M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2010
103 – D : QUALITY MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (Old)
(Production and Materials Specialisations)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instructions : 1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are internal and external failure costs ? How can these be controlled ?
2. Discuss the various elements of operation characteristics curve in details.
3. Discuss the benefits and application of control charts with suitable examples.
4. Write a short note on (any two) :
a) House of quality
b) Poka-Yoke
c) Quality circle
d) Ishikawa’s Fish Bone Diagram.
5. Discuss the concept of failure model under reliability.
6. Develop the model for leadership for quality in service industry.
7. Give the outline, prerequisites and applications of ISO 9000.
8. Define Quality. Explain role of quality management for manufacturing industry
in today’s business scenario.
M.M.S./M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2010
103 – D : QUALITY MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (Old)
(Production and Materials Specialisations)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instructions : 1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are internal and external failure costs ? How can these be controlled ?
2. Discuss the various elements of operation characteristics curve in details.
3. Discuss the benefits and application of control charts with suitable examples.
4. Write a short note on (any two) :
a) House of quality
b) Poka-Yoke
c) Quality circle
d) Ishikawa’s Fish Bone Diagram.
5. Discuss the concept of failure model under reliability.
6. Develop the model for leadership for quality in service industry.
7. Give the outline, prerequisites and applications of ISO 9000.
8. Define Quality. Explain role of quality management for manufacturing industry
in today’s business scenario.
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