University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - V) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answer any seven questions.
(2) Every question carries ten marks.
Q.1) Define ‘Factory’ and state Health and Safety provisions of the
Factories Act. [10]
Q.2) Define Contract and state remedies for breach of the Contract. [10]
Q.3) List and explain Rights of an Unpaid Seller under Sale of Goods
Act. [10]
Q.4) Define Wages. List and explain authorised deductions from wages
under the Payment of Wages Act. [10]
Q.5) Describe right/duties and powers of the Food Inspector under
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. [10]
Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Two) [2x5=10]
(a) Prevention and Control of Air Pollution
(b) Explain any 5 Licenses.
(c) Defect in Goods and Deficiency in Services
(d) Unfair Trade Practice and Restricted Trade Practice
(e) Discharge of Contracts
Q.7) It is Mandatory for all Establishments to be registered under the Shops
and Establishment Act, 1948. Explain it in context to the Procedure
of Registration. [10]
Q.8) Define any five : [2x5=10]
(a) Adulteration
(b) Disablement
(c) Occupational Disease
(d) Lay Off
(e) Strike
(f) Retrenchment
(g) Misbranding
(h) Manufacturing Process
Q.9) “All Industrial Disputes cannot be settled internally in an Organisation.”
Explain this statement. [10]
Q.10) Answer any two : [10]
(a) Essentials of a Valid Sale
(b) Amount of Compensation in Workman’s Compensation
(c) Food Standards
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - V) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answer any seven questions.
(2) Every question carries ten marks.
Q.1) Define ‘Factory’ and state Health and Safety provisions of the
Factories Act. [10]
Q.2) Define Contract and state remedies for breach of the Contract. [10]
Q.3) List and explain Rights of an Unpaid Seller under Sale of Goods
Act. [10]
Q.4) Define Wages. List and explain authorised deductions from wages
under the Payment of Wages Act. [10]
Q.5) Describe right/duties and powers of the Food Inspector under
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. [10]
Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Two) [2x5=10]
(a) Prevention and Control of Air Pollution
(b) Explain any 5 Licenses.
(c) Defect in Goods and Deficiency in Services
(d) Unfair Trade Practice and Restricted Trade Practice
(e) Discharge of Contracts
Q.7) It is Mandatory for all Establishments to be registered under the Shops
and Establishment Act, 1948. Explain it in context to the Procedure
of Registration. [10]
Q.8) Define any five : [2x5=10]
(a) Adulteration
(b) Disablement
(c) Occupational Disease
(d) Lay Off
(e) Strike
(f) Retrenchment
(g) Misbranding
(h) Manufacturing Process
Q.9) “All Industrial Disputes cannot be settled internally in an Organisation.”
Explain this statement. [10]
Q.10) Answer any two : [10]
(a) Essentials of a Valid Sale
(b) Amount of Compensation in Workman’s Compensation
(c) Food Standards
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