Friday, December 11, 2015

2010 Question Paper,B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester),University Of Pune Question Paper,303 : ACCOMMODATION OPERATION–I

University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 40
N.B. :— (i) Attempt any two questions from each Section.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (A) Explain the following terms (any five) : [1 each]
(a) Blueing
(b) Weft
(c) Satin weave
(d) Wet rot
(e) Oasis
(f) Calender machine
(B) What is contract cleaning ? List down various jobs done under
contract cleaning ? [5]
2. (A) What are different types of Linen used in hotel industry ? [5]
(B) How do you remove the following stain from a cotton fabric ?
(any five) : [5]
(a) Ink
(b) Lipstick
(c) Turmeric
(d) Blood
(e) Wax
(f) Mud
3. Write short notes on the following (any four) : [10]
(a) Safety and security
(b) Principles of flower arrangement
(c) Stock taking
(d) Pest control
(e) Guest laundry procedure
4. Explain the following terms (any ten) : [10]
(1) MAP
(2) Lanai
(3) FIT
(4) No-show
(5) Under stay
(6) Guest folio
(7) Guest history card
(8) Sleep-out
(9) Log book
(10) Rack rate
(11) Overbooking
(12) Duplex
5. (A) Handle the following situation : [5]
(1) A guest complains, she has not received her morning news
paper for two consecutive days.
(2) Guest wants to change the type of room at the time of
check in.
(B) What are different Accounts ? [5]
6. (A) Solve the following : [5]
(1) If a room revenue for March, 2009 in Rs. 10,45,350 and
the no. of rooms sold is 950, then calculate the A.R.R.
(2) Blue star hotel has 350 letiable rooms, out of which 250
are single and 100 are twin on 15th Oct. 180 single rooms
and 60 twin rooms are occupied by guest. Calculate bed
occupancy percentage for the day.
(B) Explain the procedure for credit settlement of Account. [5]
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