University Of Pune Question Paper
M. C. M. (Semester - IV) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question Nos. 1 and 6 are compulsory.
(2) Solve any three from Q. Nos. 2 to 5.
Q.1) Case Study : (Solve any two cases) [10x2=20]
(a) A Co-operative Bank has recently introduced e-banking facility
for its customers. The Bank Authorities have observed several
breaches in security while performing e-transactions by the
customers. State various probable breaches and security
measures to avoid such breaches in e-banking.
(b) Mr. Ramlal is newly promoted as Cyber Security Officer.
Management of the firm has given him responsibility to prevent
hacking of Corporate Computer Systems. But Mr. Ramlal has
not undertaken such kind of work before. So how will you guide
Mr. Ramlal with different techniques of hacking, who can be a
hacker and what is hacking ?
(c) Many a user while accessing website of a corporate observes
sometimes a window appears on a page displaying some
erroneous messages eventhough the page is loaded correctly.
Mr. Babu, cyber security, feels that the site is being hacked by
intruder using some kind of Technical Attack and some code
is introduced by the hacker. Guide Mr. Babu with various types
of technical attacks and measures to prevent such attacks.
Q.2) What is Hash Function ? Explain its role in detail. [10]
Q.3) What is Access Control ? Explain deferent Levels of Access Control. [10]
Q.4) What is Asymmetric Cryptography ? [10]
Q.5) What is Incident Response ? Explain Incident Response Process
and term in detail. [10]
Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Four) [20]
(a) Digital Signature
(b) Face Recognition
(c) PKI
(d) Organisational Issues related to Management
(e) Multilevel Security
(f) Granularity
M. C. M. (Semester - IV) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question Nos. 1 and 6 are compulsory.
(2) Solve any three from Q. Nos. 2 to 5.
Q.1) Case Study : (Solve any two cases) [10x2=20]
(a) A Co-operative Bank has recently introduced e-banking facility
for its customers. The Bank Authorities have observed several
breaches in security while performing e-transactions by the
customers. State various probable breaches and security
measures to avoid such breaches in e-banking.
(b) Mr. Ramlal is newly promoted as Cyber Security Officer.
Management of the firm has given him responsibility to prevent
hacking of Corporate Computer Systems. But Mr. Ramlal has
not undertaken such kind of work before. So how will you guide
Mr. Ramlal with different techniques of hacking, who can be a
hacker and what is hacking ?
(c) Many a user while accessing website of a corporate observes
sometimes a window appears on a page displaying some
erroneous messages eventhough the page is loaded correctly.
Mr. Babu, cyber security, feels that the site is being hacked by
intruder using some kind of Technical Attack and some code
is introduced by the hacker. Guide Mr. Babu with various types
of technical attacks and measures to prevent such attacks.
Q.2) What is Hash Function ? Explain its role in detail. [10]
Q.3) What is Access Control ? Explain deferent Levels of Access Control. [10]
Q.4) What is Asymmetric Cryptography ? [10]
Q.5) What is Incident Response ? Explain Incident Response Process
and term in detail. [10]
Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Four) [20]
(a) Digital Signature
(b) Face Recognition
(c) PKI
(d) Organisational Issues related to Management
(e) Multilevel Security
(f) Granularity
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