University Of Pune Question Paper
M.C.A. (Mgt. Faculty) (Semester – V) Examination, 2010
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) Question 1 and Question 7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any four questions from remaining.
1. As a RFID steering committee head, suggest a suitable RFID system
implementation for an electronic toll collection, monitoring and receipt printing
system for Maharashtra Government. The system will be implemented at 65 toll
plazas throughout the State of Maharashtra. 15
2. Explain E-Logistics and Supplier Chain Management. 10
3. What is E-Banking ? Explain various security techniques in E-Banking. 10
4. What is E-Learning ? Explain various models of E-Learning. 10
5. What is E-Governance ? Explain various strategies and tactics for implementation
of E-Governance. 10
6. Explain Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management System Architecture. 10
7. Write short notes on (any three) : 15
a) Call Center Ethics
b) ERP Packages
c) Spatial objects
d) Palm devices.
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