University Of Pune Question Paper
M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) Each question carries 14 marks.
Q.1) Define Supply Chain Management. Why Supply Chain Management is
gaining importance ? Explain.
Q.2) Discuss steps involved in Merchandising Planning. How will you evaluate
performance of Merchandising ?
Q.3) Differentiate between Private Label and Manufacturers Brands. Give five
examples of each.
Q.4) “Effective Floor Space Management is a must for successful retailing.”
Explain various techniques for Floor Space Management.
Q.5) ‘Warna Bazar’, a Rural Retail Co-operative Chain, wishes to increase its
sales through CRM. Design CRM Programme for the same.
Q.6) Discuss various techniques to prevent retail loss. Can these techniques be
equally applicable to stores in Rural India ?
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) Range Planning
(b) Integrated Supply Chain Planning
(c) Display Management
M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) Each question carries 14 marks.
Q.1) Define Supply Chain Management. Why Supply Chain Management is
gaining importance ? Explain.
Q.2) Discuss steps involved in Merchandising Planning. How will you evaluate
performance of Merchandising ?
Q.3) Differentiate between Private Label and Manufacturers Brands. Give five
examples of each.
Q.4) “Effective Floor Space Management is a must for successful retailing.”
Explain various techniques for Floor Space Management.
Q.5) ‘Warna Bazar’, a Rural Retail Co-operative Chain, wishes to increase its
sales through CRM. Design CRM Programme for the same.
Q.6) Discuss various techniques to prevent retail loss. Can these techniques be
equally applicable to stores in Rural India ?
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) Range Planning
(b) Integrated Supply Chain Planning
(c) Display Management
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