University Of Pune Question Paper
P. G. D. B. M. (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question No. 6 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) (A) What are different Social and Ethical Issues related to MIS ? [08]
(B) Explain Spiral Model in detail. [07]
Q.2) (A) What are the Contemporary Approaches of MIS ? [08]
(B) What are the different Topologies used in Networks ? [07]
Q.3) (A) Explain Herbert Simons Model. [08]
(B) Explain QA and QC concepts with respects to the processes
of various functional areas of Management. [07]
Q.4) (A) Define Information. Explain types of Informations. [08]
(B) What are advantages and disadvantages of DBMS ? [07]
Q.5) (A) Explain EIS. [08]
(B) Explain advantages and disadvantages of MIS. [07]
Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) DSS
(b) Water-fall Model
(c) Information Attributes
(d) Expert System
P. G. D. B. M. (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question No. 6 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) (A) What are different Social and Ethical Issues related to MIS ? [08]
(B) Explain Spiral Model in detail. [07]
Q.2) (A) What are the Contemporary Approaches of MIS ? [08]
(B) What are the different Topologies used in Networks ? [07]
Q.3) (A) Explain Herbert Simons Model. [08]
(B) Explain QA and QC concepts with respects to the processes
of various functional areas of Management. [07]
Q.4) (A) Define Information. Explain types of Informations. [08]
(B) What are advantages and disadvantages of DBMS ? [07]
Q.5) (A) Explain EIS. [08]
(B) Explain advantages and disadvantages of MIS. [07]
Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) DSS
(b) Water-fall Model
(c) Information Attributes
(d) Expert System
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