University Of Pune Question Paper
P. G. D. M. M. (Semester - II) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Logical reasoning and appropriate examples will carry more
Q.1) Which are the different components of IMC ? Explain advantages and
disadvantages of each.
Q.2) Draw organisation structure of an Ad Agency. Explain role of each
department in campaign or communication process of any brand.
Q.3) Differentiate between Direct Marketing and Personal Selling with suitable
Q.4) Sales Promotion Techniques are new Methods of Customer Attraction in
the Era of Hypercompetitive Market. Explain.
Q.5) What is Media Planning ? What is its significance ?
Q.6) Formulate an Ad Strategy for 3G Mobile Phones.
[3888]-202 1 P.T.O.
Q.7) Short notes : (Any Two)
(a) AIDA
(b) Public Relation
(c) Event Management
(d) Hoarding Contractors
P. G. D. M. M. (Semester - II) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Logical reasoning and appropriate examples will carry more
Q.1) Which are the different components of IMC ? Explain advantages and
disadvantages of each.
Q.2) Draw organisation structure of an Ad Agency. Explain role of each
department in campaign or communication process of any brand.
Q.3) Differentiate between Direct Marketing and Personal Selling with suitable
Q.4) Sales Promotion Techniques are new Methods of Customer Attraction in
the Era of Hypercompetitive Market. Explain.
Q.5) What is Media Planning ? What is its significance ?
Q.6) Formulate an Ad Strategy for 3G Mobile Phones.
[3888]-202 1 P.T.O.
Q.7) Short notes : (Any Two)
(a) AIDA
(b) Public Relation
(c) Event Management
(d) Hoarding Contractors
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