Saturday, December 12, 2015

2010 Question Paper,TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT,University Of Pune Question Paper,B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - VI)

University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - VI) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Assume suitable data and draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1) Write notes : (Any Three) [30]
(a) Thoughts of Quality Guru – ‘Crosby’
(b) QMS - ISO 9001 : 2000
(c) Brainstorming - a Problem Solving Tool and Technique
(d) Organisational Culture and Leadership for TQM - ‘Vision’ and
(e) Core Values of Japanese Management
Q.2) Attempt any four : [40]
(a) Explain Kaizen and continuous improvement :
(i) ‘5S’
(ii) Process Mapping and Improvement (5W and 1H)
(b) Explain briefly Concept and Methodology of Business Process
Re-engineering (BPR).
(c) Explain briefly how to measure and manage Customer Satisfaction ?
(d) Explain investors in people :
(i) Competence Gap
(ii) Training
(e) Explain Language Concept and effective ways of Role of
Communication in TQM.
(f) Explain the following Costs of Quality :
(i) Failure Costs
(ii) Preventive Costs
(g) Explain Green Service Quality :
(i) Water Management
(ii) Waste Management
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