Thursday, December 10, 2015

2010 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper,305 : FOOD AND BEVERAGE CONTROL,B.H.M.C.T.(Third Semester)

University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T.(Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70
N.B. :— (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(ii) Answers any three questions from Q. No. 2 to
Q. No. 6.
(iii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. (A) Explain four obstacles of F&B control. [4]
(B) State three objectives of Budgeting. [3]
(C) Explain the following elements of cost : [3]
(i) Material cost
(ii) Overhead cost.
2. (A) (i) Define Budget. [2]
(ii) Explain the following budget : [8]
(a) Capital budget
(b) Sales budget
(c) Budgeted Trading Account
(d) Labour cost budget.
(B) (i) State four objectives of standard purchase specification. [4]
(ii) Explain pricing based on the market. [3]
(iii) Explain the following : [3]
(a) Net Profit
(b) Banquet menu pricing.
3. (A) Explain the following terms any four : [10]
(i) Break-even point
(ii) Contribution
(iii) Fixed cost
(iv) Variable cost
(v) Margin of safety.
(B) Write short notes on : [5]
(i) EOQ
(ii) ABC analysis.
(C) State five objectives of receiving food items. [5]
4. (A) With help of format explain any two : [5]
(i) Good Received Book
(ii) Bin Card
(iii) Credit Note.
(B) Explain the following terms any two : [4]
(i) Stock turnover
(ii) Transfer notes
(iii) Maximum level
(iv) Perpetual inventory record.
(C) State five objectives of taking stock. [5]
(D) State the procedure for storing : [6]
(i) Perishable food
(ii) Non-perishable food.
5. (A) Draw the format of Daily food cost report. Also state the
advantages and disadvantages of preparing this report. [10]
(B) Explain the importance of the following (any two) : [10]
(i) Standard yield
(ii) Standard recipe
(iii) Volume forecasting.
6. (A) Explain the following methods of purchasing : [10]
(i) Cost plus
(ii) Wine shipper
(iii) Total supply
(iv) Cash and carry.
(B) Explain differential profit margin in menu pricing. [5]
(C) As a purchase manager how would you select a supplier. [5]
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