Sunday, December 13, 2015

2010 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper,INFORMATION SYSTEM AUDIT,M. C. M. (Semester - III)

University Of Pune Question Paper
M. C. M. (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any five from the remaining.
Q.1) Write short notes : (Any Two) [20]
(a) Compare Financial Audit versus IS Audit
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Objectives of EDP Audit
(e) Code of Ethics
Q.2) What is IS Audit ? Explain in brief need of IS Audit and what are
the goals achieved by IS Audit ? [10]
Q.3) Define the term ‘Audit’. What are the IS Auditing Steps ? [10]
Q.4) What is Evidence ? How evidence can be collected ? How is it
evaluated ? Also describe Evidence Reporting Techniques used by IS
Auditor. [10]
Q.5) Explain various factors to be considered while designing report on preprinted
and blank stationery. [10]
Q.6) What do you mean by Computer Crime ? Elaborate different types
of Crimes. [10]
Q.7) Explain requirement of Data Entry Screen Design. [10]
Q.8) What is a Control Flowchart ? What are the purposes of a Control
Flowchart ? How does availability of Flowcharting Software assist
Auditors to prepare and maintain Control Flowcharts ? [10]
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