University Of Pune Question Paper
M.Sc. (Sem. - III)
304 A : Advertising and Marketing Research
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are Compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer any two of the following questions: [12 Marks each]
a) 'A brand is made in the minds of consumer and product is made in the
factory', discuss the statement with appropriate examples.
b) Write a note on the pillars of brand equity with their relevance and
c) Analyse the market segmentation in India and elaborate on techniques
used for it.
Q2) Answer any four of the following questions. [8 Marks each]
a) What are the various creative approaches used in creating advertisement?
b) Explain the process of allocating advertising budget.
c) Explain the importance of pre-testing & post testing of advertising
campaigns. What are the various methods in which it can be done?
d) What is positioning? Discuss why it is important by giving relevant
e) Write a detail note on motivational research and how it is used in
advertising research.
f) Comment on portrayal of women in the advertisement of male product
by referring to the advertisement you had seen in recent past.
Q3) Write a short note on any two of the following: [2 Marks each]
a) Brand association.
b) IMRB.
c) Advertising budget.
M.Sc. (Sem. - III)
304 A : Advertising and Marketing Research
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are Compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer any two of the following questions: [12 Marks each]
a) 'A brand is made in the minds of consumer and product is made in the
factory', discuss the statement with appropriate examples.
b) Write a note on the pillars of brand equity with their relevance and
c) Analyse the market segmentation in India and elaborate on techniques
used for it.
Q2) Answer any four of the following questions. [8 Marks each]
a) What are the various creative approaches used in creating advertisement?
b) Explain the process of allocating advertising budget.
c) Explain the importance of pre-testing & post testing of advertising
campaigns. What are the various methods in which it can be done?
d) What is positioning? Discuss why it is important by giving relevant
e) Write a detail note on motivational research and how it is used in
advertising research.
f) Comment on portrayal of women in the advertisement of male product
by referring to the advertisement you had seen in recent past.
Q3) Write a short note on any two of the following: [2 Marks each]
a) Brand association.
b) IMRB.
c) Advertising budget.
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