University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. (Production and Industrial Engg.) (Semester – I) Examination, 2011
(Common to Production S/W)
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Attempt one question from each Unit from each Section – I
and Section – II.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
Unit – I
1. a) Discuss various types of patterns with suitable sketches. 10
b) Explain working of cupola along with various zones. 8
2. a) Discuss various methods for testing of sand with suitable sketches. 10
b) Explain various types of cores along with sketches. 8
Unit – II
3. a) Explain hot chamber die casting with suitable sketches. 8
b) Explain methods used for inspection and testing of casting. 8
4. a) Explain centrifugal casting with suitable sketches. 8
b) Discuss casting defects and also suggest remedies for such defects. 8
Unit – III
5. a) Explain back gear mechanism with suitable sketches : 8
b) Write note on : 8
i) Taper turning attachment
ii) Steady and follower rest.
6. a) Explain thread cutting on lathe with neat sketch. 8
b) Write note on : 8
i) Type of chucks
ii) Angle plate and Face plate.
Unit – IV
7. a) Explain Sensitive and Radial drilling machine with neat sketch. 8
b) Discuss various types of drill with neat sketches. 10
8. a) Explain various operations performed on drilling machine with neat sketches.
b) Discuss various types of reamer with neat sketches. 10
Unit – V
9. a) Explain working of universal dividing head with neat sketch. 8
b) Discuss various types of milling cutters with neat sketches. 8
10. a) Explain working of crank and slotted quick return mechanism of shaper with
neat sketch. 8
b) With neat sketch explain column and knee type milling machine. 8
Unit – VI
11. a) Explain guidelines used for selection of grinding wheels. 8
b) Explain types of broaching machines with suitable sketches. 8
12. Write note on : 16
i) Super-finishing
ii) Honing
iii) Buffing and Polishing.
S.E. (Production and Industrial Engg.) (Semester – I) Examination, 2011
(Common to Production S/W)
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Attempt one question from each Unit from each Section – I
and Section – II.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
Unit – I
1. a) Discuss various types of patterns with suitable sketches. 10
b) Explain working of cupola along with various zones. 8
2. a) Discuss various methods for testing of sand with suitable sketches. 10
b) Explain various types of cores along with sketches. 8
Unit – II
3. a) Explain hot chamber die casting with suitable sketches. 8
b) Explain methods used for inspection and testing of casting. 8
4. a) Explain centrifugal casting with suitable sketches. 8
b) Discuss casting defects and also suggest remedies for such defects. 8
Unit – III
5. a) Explain back gear mechanism with suitable sketches : 8
b) Write note on : 8
i) Taper turning attachment
ii) Steady and follower rest.
6. a) Explain thread cutting on lathe with neat sketch. 8
b) Write note on : 8
i) Type of chucks
ii) Angle plate and Face plate.
Unit – IV
7. a) Explain Sensitive and Radial drilling machine with neat sketch. 8
b) Discuss various types of drill with neat sketches. 10
8. a) Explain various operations performed on drilling machine with neat sketches.
b) Discuss various types of reamer with neat sketches. 10
Unit – V
9. a) Explain working of universal dividing head with neat sketch. 8
b) Discuss various types of milling cutters with neat sketches. 8
10. a) Explain working of crank and slotted quick return mechanism of shaper with
neat sketch. 8
b) With neat sketch explain column and knee type milling machine. 8
Unit – VI
11. a) Explain guidelines used for selection of grinding wheels. 8
b) Explain types of broaching machines with suitable sketches. 8
12. Write note on : 16
i) Super-finishing
ii) Honing
iii) Buffing and Polishing.
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