Wednesday, December 9, 2015

2011 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper,SOLIDS HANDLING OPERATIONS,S.E. (Petrochemical/Petroleum/Polymer) (Semester – II)

University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. (Petrochemical/Petroleum/Polymer) (Semester – II) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
 Instructions: 1) Attempt Q.1 or 2, Q.3 or 4, Q.5 or 6, Q.7 or 8, Q.9 or 10,
Q.11 or 12.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of electronic calculators, steam table is allowed.
4) Draw neat sketch wherever necessary.
1. a) Explain how particle shape and particle size are expressed. Define each term
with proper expression. 8
b) A solid mixture is screened through a standard 20-mesh screen. Calculate the
mass ratios of the overflow and underflow to feed and the overall effectiveness
of the screen. Data : 1) the solid mixture comprises materials A and B only.
2) the mass fractions of material A in feed, overflow and underflow are 0.775,
0.89 and 0.73 respectively. 10
2. a) Define the laws of size reduction with expression. 8
b) Describe the following in detail : 10
1) Effect of mesh size on capacity of screens
2) Capacity and effectiveness of screens.
3. a) Define angle of nip and give the relationship between angle of nip, feed size,
gap between rolls and diameter of rolls. 8
b) Explain various magnetic separation methods with the help of neat sketch. 10
4. a) Distinguish between
1) Crushing and Grinding operation
2) Open-circuit and closed circuit grinding. 8
b) Explain the Ball mill operation with all its construction and performance details.
5. a) Define Filtration and state factors affecting filtration. What is constant rate
filtration and constant pressure filtration ? 8
b) Classify industrial cake filters with examples and give the working principle of
each of them. 8
6. a) Write short notes on :
1) Choice of filter medium
2) Filter aid. 8
b) Explain the utility of laboratory batch sedimentation data in design of a
continuous thickener. 8
7. a) Explain with proper sketch the Axial flow impellers and Radial flow impellers
with reference to the flow patterns generated and their performance. 12
b) State the methods of avoiding vortex in agitated vessel. 4
8. a) Derive and explain the relationship for the power consumption of impellers. 10
b) Write short note on Pug mill. 6
9. a) Write short notes on ‘Types of Fluidization’. 8
b) Derive Ergun’s Equation and give its utility. 10
10. a) Derive an expression for Drag and Lift forces exerted by a flowing fluid on
stationary body. 10
b) Write a short notes on Types of Drag. 8
11. a) Explain different types of industrial Conveyers. 8
b) Write a short note on cyclone separators. 8
12. a) Explain what do you mean by Centrifugation. 8
b) Explain the significance or fractional voidage of packed bed. 8

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