Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Advance Database Systems Kannur University November 2011 Question Paper

VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup./Imp. - Including part Time) Degree
Examination, November 201 1
(2007 Admn.)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100


1. a) Describe structured types and inheritance in SQL. [Marks 5]

b) Describe the Multiset types in SQL. [Marks 5]

c) Explain briefly on Page Rank in Google Search Engine. [Marks 5]

d) How the text mining applied in data-mining techniques ? [Marks 5]

e) Give the advantage of centralized system with diagram. [Marks 5]

f ) Explain the three different portioning techniques. [Marks 5]

g) Write notes on time specification in SQL. [Marks 5]

h) Explain Real-Time Transaction Systems. [Marks 5]


2. a) Explain the object identity and reference types in SQL. [Marks 15]


b) Explain the Nesting and Unnesting with example. [Marks 15]
3. a) Explain the concept of Ranking with example. [Marks 15]


b) Explain the information retrieval and structured data. [Marks 15]
4. a) Explain the two forms of inter-operation parallelism and query optimization. [Marks 15]


b) Explain the concurrency control in Distributed Databases. [Marks 15]

5. a) Explain the indexing of spatial data. [Marks 15]


b) Explain briefly on transactional workflows. [Marks 15]

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