Do you want to download Amity University Previous Years Question Papers / Model Question Papers / Sample Question Papers ? You can here fins all related important question papers of courses taught in Amity University. Here under is one of the exam paper titled COMMERCIAL LAW / BUSINESS LAW for BBM examinations held in May 2008. Download the question paper in text format given below:
Amity University Question Paper
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (6 x 5 = 30 marks)
Each answer should not exceed a page.
1. What are the essentials of acceptance?
2. How are contracts discharged?
3. What are the rights and duties of a Bailee?
4. What are the rights of an agent?
5. Explain the essential elements of partnership.
6. What is a prospects? State any four of its usual contents.
7. Who is a director of a company? How is a director appointed?
8. What are the documents of which registration is compulsory?
9. What is the time for presenting document?
PART B — (5 x 14 = 70 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
Each answer should not exceed 3 pages.
10. What are the remedies for a breach of contract?
11. What are quasi-contracts? Explain the types of quasi-contracts?
12. Explain the ways of creation of agency.
13. Explain the rights of unpaid seller against goods.
14. What are the essentials of a bailment? What are its classification?
15. Explain the difference between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
16. Discuss the powers of a Board of Directors of a public company. What statutory restrictions have been imposed upon these directors?
17. Who are the persons to present documents for registration? What are the enquiry should be made before registration by registering officer?
18. What are the duties of the registrar at the time of the deposits of will.
Amity University Question Paper
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (6 x 5 = 30 marks)
Each answer should not exceed a page.
1. What are the essentials of acceptance?
2. How are contracts discharged?
3. What are the rights and duties of a Bailee?
4. What are the rights of an agent?
5. Explain the essential elements of partnership.
6. What is a prospects? State any four of its usual contents.
7. Who is a director of a company? How is a director appointed?
8. What are the documents of which registration is compulsory?
9. What is the time for presenting document?
PART B — (5 x 14 = 70 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
Each answer should not exceed 3 pages.
10. What are the remedies for a breach of contract?
11. What are quasi-contracts? Explain the types of quasi-contracts?
12. Explain the ways of creation of agency.
13. Explain the rights of unpaid seller against goods.
14. What are the essentials of a bailment? What are its classification?
15. Explain the difference between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
16. Discuss the powers of a Board of Directors of a public company. What statutory restrictions have been imposed upon these directors?
17. Who are the persons to present documents for registration? What are the enquiry should be made before registration by registering officer?
18. What are the duties of the registrar at the time of the deposits of will.
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