Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Annamalai University 2014 december question paper B.Sc. (Botany):plant biotecnology

Annamalai University 2014 december question paper
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer ALL questions
 Answer should not exceed 50 words
 1. Synthetic Seeds.
2. Single cell protein.
3. Cosmid.
4. Batch Culture.
5. Protoplast Fusion.
6. Mycorrhiza.
7. Submerged lobe.
8. Azolla.
9. Fermentation technology.
10. Rhizobium
 Answer ALL questions
 Answer should not exceed 250 words
 11. a) Explain recombinant technology.
 b) Give an account on cloning of plasmid.
 12. a) Explain microbial growth.
 b) Explain continuous culture.
 13. a) Explain somatic hybrids.
 b) Explain somoclonal embryos.
 14. a) Explain production of Algal Biomass.
 b) Give an account on mass cultivation of Azatobacter.
 15. a) Explain levels of Biodiversity.
 b) Give an account on Ecosystem stability.
 16. a) Explain in detail about Biosafety.
 b) Explain convention on biological diversity.
 17. a) Explain vectors.
 b) Explain application of plant tissue culture in horticulture.
 18. a) Give an account of mass cultivation of Rhizobium.
 b) Explain fermentor designs.
 Answer any THREE questions
19. Give a detailed account on techniques of gene manipulation.
20. Explain advantages of microbial enzymes in industrial applications.
21. Give an account on application of plant tissue culture in Agriculture
and Forestry.
22. Give an detailed account on Bio-fertilizers and Biopesticides.
23. Explain Bioreactors.
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