Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Annamalai University 2014 december question paper B.Sc.Modern physics

Annamalai University 2014 december question paper
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any TEN questions
 1. Write the importance of Thomson’s method.
2. What do you mean by drift velocity?
3. State Wiedemann-Franz law.
4. Write Bragg’s law.
5. Write down any four applications of X-rays.
6. What do you mean by photoelectric effect?
7. Define Zeeman Effect.
8. Write a note on spatial quantization.
9. Explain L-S coupling.
10. What do you mean by a nuclear detector?
11. Mention the advantages of bubble chamber.
12. Write down the principle of Vande Graff generator.
13. Distinguish between primary and secondary cosmic rays.
14. Give an account of altitude effect.
15. What is a weak interaction?
 Answer ALL questions
(5×7= 35)
16. a) Explain properties of cathode rays.
 b) Derive an expression for electrical conductivity from free electron
theory of metals.
17. a) Discuss the structure of NaCl crystal.
 b) Give an account of Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect
based on quantum theory.
18. a) What is Pauli’s exclusion principle? Based on this principle explain
the configuration of electrons in atoms.
 b) Describe Stern Gerlack experiment.
19. a) Give an account of the mode of operation of a Scintillation counter
and describe how it may be utilized in the study of nuclear
 b) What is the difference between a cyclotron and a
synchrocyclotron? Explain the principle and working of
20. a) Discuss qualitative of gamma ray interaction with matter.
 b) Explain nature and properties of cosmic rays.
 Answer any THREE questions
21. Explain the Wilson’s method for determining electric charge.
22. Describe Millikan’s experiment to verify the photoelectric equation.
23. Discuss the theory of vector atom model.
24. Describe a Geiger Muller counter and explain its working as a particle
25. Discuss in detail about beta decay.
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