Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Annamalai University December Question Paper,B.Sc.(MICROBIOLOGY) : FOOD MICROBIOLOGY

Annamalai University December 2014 Question Paper
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any TEN questions
(10× 2 = 20)
1. Yeasts
2. Mold
3. pH
4. Oxidation-reduction potential
5. Asepsis
6. Radiation
7. Canned foods
8. Cereals
9. Picked cucumber
10. Sauer Kraut
11. Soysauce
12. Yogurt
13. Cheese
14. Mycotoxins
15. Microbial foods
 Answer ALL questions
(5× 7 = 35)
16. a. Explain how pH and moisture will affect the growth of microorganisms in food.
b. Explain how nutrient content will affect the growth of microorganisms in food.

17. a. Write down the use of temperature in food preservation.
b. Describe the use of radiation in food preservation.

18. a. Examine critically the causes of spoilage of milk.
b. Examine critically the causes of spoilage of cereals and vegetables.

19. a. Write about the preparation of fermented bread.
b. Explain briefly about the preparation of fermented idli.

20. a. Give a brief account on food standards quality control.
b. Write about the investigation of food poisoning outbreaks.
 Answer any THREE questions
(3× 15 = 45)
21. Write a detailed account on important microorganisms in food.
22. Give the general principles and applications of food preservation methods.
23. Examine critically the causes of spoilage of fruits and egg.
24. Give a detailed account on fermented dairy products.
25. Write elaborately the food poisoning and food borne infections.
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