Sunday, December 20, 2015

Annamalai University Question Paper December 2014,B.Sc.(FASHION DESIGN): TRADITIONAL TEXTILES AND EMBROIDERIES

Annamalai University question paper december 2014
Time: Three hours Maximum: 60 marks
 Answer ALL questions
(5×1 = 5)
1. a) What do you mean by Kantha of Bengal?
b) List the special features of Kasuti.
c) Define Varida Bagn
d) What is Paithini?
e) Brief on Ajrakh
Write short notes on any FIVE of the following:
(5×5 = 25)
2. a) Write a short note on embroideries of Gujarat.
b) Give an account on Appliqués of Orissa.
c) Design a Churidhar with Kalamkari designs.
d) Discuss on Kanchipuram sarees.
e) Give few designs of Mithila Painting.
f) Explain on Bandhini of Rajasthan.
 Answer any THREE questions
(3×10 = 30)
3. a) Explain on the Phulkari embroidery design of Punjab region with sketches
and diagrams.
b) Elaborate on Kasida of Kashmir with illustration of designs & motifs.
c) Illustrate about the brocades of Banaras.
d) Give a detailed picture on sanganer printing.
e) Write a detailed notes on Patola and Pochampalli sarees with various designs
f) Elaborate on Ajrakh designs and Ikat designs.
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