Friday, December 11, 2015

AU Chennai B.E ECE PTEC541 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS April May 2014 Question Paper

Anna University Chennai Part Time Course Question Paper for 06th Semester MEDICAL ELECTRONICS, B.E ECE Exam April May 2014

B.E / B.Tech (Part time) ARREAR EXAMINATIONS, APRIL / MAY 2014
Sixth semester
(Regulation 2002/2005/2009)
Time: 3 Hours Answer ALL Questions Max. Marks 100
PART-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. What is action potential?
2. Write the various frequency ranges of the EEG.
3. Whati s HbO2?
4. Using Fick technique calculate the cardiac output, given the following data: spirometer
02 consumption 250ml/min, arterial 02 content, 0.20ml/ml, venous 02 content, 0.15ml/ml
5. What is dialysate?
6. What is defibrillation?
7 List the applications of Biotelemetry.
8. What is leakage current?
9. What is cryosurgery?
10. What is thermogram?

Part - B ( 5 x 16 = 80 marks)
11. What is Telemedicine? With a neat diagram explain its concepts in detail.
12. a) What are the various lead systems used in ECG measurement? Explain about Einthoven triangle.
12. b) Explain in detail about the 10-20 EEG electrode configuration.
13. a) Explain in detail about the different types of Blood cell counter
13. b) Explain the indirect blood pressure measurement technique in detail.
14. a) With a neat diagram explain the working of Heart lung machine in detail
14. b) Explain the working principle of haemodialyser in detail.
15. a) Explain the working principle of shortwave diathermy in detail.
15. b) With a neat diagram explain the ECG telemetry system in detail. 
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