University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - I) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) (A) Give duties and responsibilities of Executive Chef. [04]
(B) What are the aims and objectives of cooking Food ? [04]
(C) Classify Fuels with two examples of each. [02]
Q.2) (A) What care you will take to prevent accidents in Kitchen. [02]
(B) Write advantages and disadvantages of the following materials
used in Kitchen Equipments : [04]
(a) Copper
(b) Stainless Steel
(C) Classify Fruits with two examples of each. [04]
Q.3) (A) List any six Herbs and Spices used in Indian Cooking. [04]
(B) What are the points you will consider while storing Vegetables ? [04]
(C) Draw a neat labelled diagram of Egg Structure. [02]
Q.4) (A) What is the action of Heat on Colour Pigments in presence of
Acids ? [02]
(B) Explain Hydrogenation of Fats. [02]
(C) With the help of chart, explain various Preparation Methods. [04]
(D) Explain any two methods of mixing of Food. [02]
Q.5) Explain the following terms : (Any Ten) [10]
(1) Bake
(2) Dhansak
(3) Dice
(4) Rabadi
(5) Zarda
(6) Paneer
(7) Rista
(8) Béchamel
(9) Pachadi
(10) Whisk
(11) Vindaloo
(12) Raita
(13) Biryani
(14) Goulash
(15) Payasam
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - I) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) (A) Give duties and responsibilities of Executive Chef. [04]
(B) What are the aims and objectives of cooking Food ? [04]
(C) Classify Fuels with two examples of each. [02]
Q.2) (A) What care you will take to prevent accidents in Kitchen. [02]
(B) Write advantages and disadvantages of the following materials
used in Kitchen Equipments : [04]
(a) Copper
(b) Stainless Steel
(C) Classify Fruits with two examples of each. [04]
Q.3) (A) List any six Herbs and Spices used in Indian Cooking. [04]
(B) What are the points you will consider while storing Vegetables ? [04]
(C) Draw a neat labelled diagram of Egg Structure. [02]
Q.4) (A) What is the action of Heat on Colour Pigments in presence of
Acids ? [02]
(B) Explain Hydrogenation of Fats. [02]
(C) With the help of chart, explain various Preparation Methods. [04]
(D) Explain any two methods of mixing of Food. [02]
Q.5) Explain the following terms : (Any Ten) [10]
(1) Bake
(2) Dhansak
(3) Dice
(4) Rabadi
(5) Zarda
(6) Paneer
(7) Rista
(8) Béchamel
(9) Pachadi
(10) Whisk
(11) Vindaloo
(12) Raita
(13) Biryani
(14) Goulash
(15) Payasam
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