Friday, December 11, 2015

B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - II),2010 Question Paper,FOOD PRODUCTION PRINCIPLES,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - II) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Answer any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
Q.1) (A) Match the column : [03]
 ‘A’ ‘B’
(a) Bechamel (i) Maderia
(b) Real Velocete (ii) Provencale
(c) Shellfish Sauce (iii) Allemande
(d) Demi-Glace (iv) New Burg
(e) Hollandaise (v) Mornay
(f) Tomato Sauce (vi) Mousseline
(B) Give function of the following ingredients in Bakery :
(Any Three) [03]
(a) Shortening
(b) Salt
(c) Sweeteners
(d) Yeast
(C) Explain four basic steps to produce a quality Stock. [04]
Q.2) (A) List different methods of Bread-making. Explain any two. [05]
(B) Explain any five thickening agents used in Sauces. [05]
Q.3) (A) Write short notes on the following : [03]
(a) Consomme
(b) Textures
(c) Principles of Baking
(B) Explain Co-ordination of Kitchen with Housekeeping and
Food and Beverage Department. [02]
(C) Explain duties of Executive Chef. [05]
Q.4) (A) State and explain any three Moist Methods of Cooking. [03]
(B) What is Gluten and why is Gluten important in Bread-making ? [03]
(C) Give differences between Accompaniments and Garnishes. [02]
(D) Explain importance of Basting in the Process of Roasting. [02]
Q.5) (A) Explain the following terms : [06]
(a) Puree
(b) Aspic
(c) Roux
(d) Pressure Frying
(e) Meringue
(f) Poaching
(B) List any four Hot Food Holding Equipments. [02]
(C) List any four Food Pre-preparation Equipments. [02]
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