Tuesday, December 8, 2015

B.A Islamic History Open - NoISH6 D01: Contribution of Islam to World Civilization Kannur University2012 Question paper

Are you searching Kannur University Question papers? Here you can get B.A Islamic History.
Kannur University Question papers
Subject: B.A Islamic History
A. 1 word ans ques..
1. The term Quran means:
2. Ibn Rushd is popularly known in Europe as:
3. The Baghdad hospital was founded by:
4. The work of Al- Biruni on India is:
Fill in the blanks
5 ………was the court physician of Hakkam II.
6 Jalali calendar was compiled by ………, a mathematician patronized by
the Seljuks.
7. University of Cordova developed under Caliph………….
8. Sheik ul Rais is the title endowed on…………….
Weightage: 1
Weightage: 1
select the accurate ans
9. The Academy founded by al Mamun was:
a) Nizamiah b) Baytul Hikma c) Darul Hikma d) Al Azhar.
10.The 1st revelation of Quran was on:
a) studying
a) Philosophy
a) Tabari
b) Prayer
c) Zakat
d) Thinking
c) Botany
d) History
11.Ibn al Baytr is famous in the field of :
b) Astronomy
12. The historian known as Herodotus of the Arabs is
b) Masudi
c) Ibn Khaldun
d) Al-Biruni
Weightage: 1
Match the subsequent
13 Yaqut
14 Al-Khawarizmi
15 Jabir Ibn Hayyam
16 Al Idris
Write actual or False
17 The Nizamiah was a Theological seminary for the study of the Shafi rite
and orthodox Ashari system.
18 Most of the medieval Muslim intellectual were genius in many fields.
19 Islam divide knowledge into secular and religious.
20 Al Azhar university established by the Abbasids is located in Baghdad .
Weightage: 1
- Alchemy
- Mujam al Buldam
- Kitab Rujar
- Surat al Ard
Weightage: 1
ans in a snippet
21 Arabic numerals.
22 Thabit Ibn Qurrah.
23 Arabic terms in mathematics.
24 Al Idrisi.
25 Ibn al Arabi.
26 Al Zahrawi.
Write Short Essays
27 Analyses the reasons for the set back of Muslims in the intellectual pursuit
In Modern Age.
28 Trace the influence of Hellenism in Arab philosophy.
Write Essays
31 Examine the role of medieval Muslims behind world renaissance.
Weightage: 4
32 Summarise the contributions of medieval Muslims in the field of
mathematics and astronomy.

29 Evaluate the contribution of Al Razi ans Ibn Sina to the development of
Weightage: 2
30 explain the achievement of Imam Ghazzali in the light of Ihya Ulum al
Weightage: 2 
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