University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (First Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70
N.B. :— (i) Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory.
(ii) Answer any two questions from the remaining three in each
(iii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(iv) Assume suitable data, wherever necessary.
1. (a) Define communication process. Explain in brief the following
terms related to it : [10]
(i) Sender
(ii) Channel
(iii) Receiver.
(b) Explain any two barriers of communication. [5]
2. Write a memo from the H.R. Manager to a steward for continuous
absenteeism since 15 days without prior intimation. [10]
3. Write down ten merits and ten demerits of written
communication. [10]
4. What are the do’s and don’t’s of public speaking ? [10]
5. (a) Hotel Juhu Plaza, Mumbai has opened a speciality restaurant
in their hotel. Write a letter of application along with
the resume for the post of Trainee-Captain. Assume suitable
data. [10]
(b) Discuss the points required for transferring a call. [5]
6. AS CR of the class draft a detailed report on the accident that
occurred in the maintenance department to the Chief Engineer. Mention
the cause of accident and precautions to be taken to avoid such
accidents in future. Assume suitable data. [10]
7. What do you mean by body language ? Write notes on any two
forms of body language. Give examples. [10]
8. What are the basic telephone etiquette followed by the Front Office
department of any hotel ? [10]
B.H.M.C.T. (First Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70
N.B. :— (i) Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory.
(ii) Answer any two questions from the remaining three in each
(iii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(iv) Assume suitable data, wherever necessary.
1. (a) Define communication process. Explain in brief the following
terms related to it : [10]
(i) Sender
(ii) Channel
(iii) Receiver.
(b) Explain any two barriers of communication. [5]
2. Write a memo from the H.R. Manager to a steward for continuous
absenteeism since 15 days without prior intimation. [10]
3. Write down ten merits and ten demerits of written
communication. [10]
4. What are the do’s and don’t’s of public speaking ? [10]
5. (a) Hotel Juhu Plaza, Mumbai has opened a speciality restaurant
in their hotel. Write a letter of application along with
the resume for the post of Trainee-Captain. Assume suitable
data. [10]
(b) Discuss the points required for transferring a call. [5]
6. AS CR of the class draft a detailed report on the accident that
occurred in the maintenance department to the Chief Engineer. Mention
the cause of accident and precautions to be taken to avoid such
accidents in future. Assume suitable data. [10]
7. What do you mean by body language ? Write notes on any two
forms of body language. Give examples. [10]
8. What are the basic telephone etiquette followed by the Front Office
department of any hotel ? [10]
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