University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 40
N.B. :— (i) Attempt any Four questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Draw neat diagrams where necessary.
1. Define wine ? Explain white wine manufacturing process with the help
of flow chart. [10]
2. (a) Name four major wine producing regions of Italy. Mention two
famous red and white wines from Italy. [6]
(b) Step by step explain storage and service of wine. [4]
3. (a) Define Aperitif. Explain different types of Vermouth. [5]
(b) Mention the correct serving temperature of the following : [3]
(i) Sparkling wine
(ii) Fortified wine
(iii) Red wine.
(c) List 4 well known international brands of Cigars. [2]
4. (a) Explain different parts of Cigars and two international brands
of Cigarettes. [4]
(b) Name two international shippers of Champagne. [1]
(c) What points should be borne in mind while pairing wine and
food ? [5]
5. Explain the following terms (any ten) : [10]
(i) Grappa
(ii) Vintage
(iii) Ruby port
(iv) Claret
(v) Fino
(vi) Obroso
(vii) Bubbly
(viii) Body
(ix) Bodega
(x) AOC
(xi) Flor
(xii) Noble rot
B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 40
N.B. :— (i) Attempt any Four questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Draw neat diagrams where necessary.
1. Define wine ? Explain white wine manufacturing process with the help
of flow chart. [10]
2. (a) Name four major wine producing regions of Italy. Mention two
famous red and white wines from Italy. [6]
(b) Step by step explain storage and service of wine. [4]
3. (a) Define Aperitif. Explain different types of Vermouth. [5]
(b) Mention the correct serving temperature of the following : [3]
(i) Sparkling wine
(ii) Fortified wine
(iii) Red wine.
(c) List 4 well known international brands of Cigars. [2]
4. (a) Explain different parts of Cigars and two international brands
of Cigarettes. [4]
(b) Name two international shippers of Champagne. [1]
(c) What points should be borne in mind while pairing wine and
food ? [5]
5. Explain the following terms (any ten) : [10]
(i) Grappa
(ii) Vintage
(iii) Ruby port
(iv) Claret
(v) Fino
(vi) Obroso
(vii) Bubbly
(viii) Body
(ix) Bodega
(x) AOC
(xi) Flor
(xii) Noble rot
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