Wednesday, December 16, 2015

B.Sc.(Multimedia):Foundation Art Annamalai University december 2014 question paper

Annamalai University december 2014 question paper
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any EIGHT questions
(8×5 = 40)
1. Explain the construction of various action poses using basic shapes.
2. Explain the basic of figure drawing.
3. Compare the construction of female face and child face.
4. Describe the construction of front and 3/4th view
5. Explain the techniques of drawing female figures with various costumes.
6. How to draw a feet with shoes?
7. What is meant by Gag cartoons?
8. Write a note on Cartooning.
9. Explain storyboard.
10. Discuss about camera angles.
 Answer any THREE questions
(3× 20 = 60)
11. a) How to simplify the body parts into 2D shapes? Explain.
b) Write a note on costumes.
12. Explain in detail construction of male and aged face.
13. a) Construct the hands diagrammatically
b) How to draw a male body with details of head, hands and feet?
14. What are the types of cartoons? Explain.
15. Discuss about the following:
a) Importance of a story board
b) Essential parts of a story board
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