Tuesday, December 22, 2015

B.Sc.(PSYCHOLOGY): ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY,Annamalai University Question Paper December

Annamalai University Question Paper December 2014
(Old Regulation)
(Candidates joined during 2008-2009 and before)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any FIVE questions
 All questions carry equal marks
 1. Explain the scientific study of Abnormal Behaviour.
2. Elaborate the demon possession versus naturalistic explanations.
3. Examine the Radical Behaviourism.
4. Bring out the classification and diagnosis according to abnormal
5. What is Situational Disturbances? Explain.
6. Describe the Existential Neurosis.
7. Differentiate from Operant Learning and Observational Learning.
8. Write about the types of Psycho Physiological disorders.
9. Explain the nature and symptoms of Autism.
10. Write notes on: a) Etiology b) Treatment
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