Tuesday, December 22, 2015

B.Sc.(PSYCHOLOGY): PSYCHOLOGY FOR MODERN LIFE, Annamalai University December Question Paper

Annamalai University December Question Paper 2014
(New Regulations)
(Candidates joined during 2009-10 and after)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any FIVE questions (5× 20=100)
1. Discuss the roots of happiness.
2. Elucidate the potential effects of stress.
3. How can emotional intelligence be enhanced? Explain.
4. Evaluate the nature and uses of terror management theory.
5. Describe the problems in communication.
6. Explain the nature of and gender differences in friendship.
7. Enumerate the challenges to traditional marriage.
8. Examine the factors that influence career choice.
9. Discuss the patterns of sexual behaviour.
10. Write short notes on any TWO:
a) Adjustment
b) Self esteem
c) Cohabitation
d) Behaviour and AIDS
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