University Of Pune Question Paper
M.Sc. (Sem. - III)
303 B : Script Writing
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Explain the meaning and importance of a screenplay?
Q2) Explain importance of a screenplay for an "Art Director"?
Q3) Explain with example the meaning of "Plot"?
Q4) Explain with example the meaning of "Sub-plot"?
Q5) What do you mean by Character development, explain with example?
Q6) Explain in detail the qualities of a good "Dialogs"?
Q7) Write short notes (Any two)
a) Use of "Property" to develop script.
b) Pre-Production.
c) Character Development.
d) Importance of "Action" in a Screen.
e) Concept of "Resolution"
M.Sc. (Sem. - III)
303 B : Script Writing
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Explain the meaning and importance of a screenplay?
Q2) Explain importance of a screenplay for an "Art Director"?
Q3) Explain with example the meaning of "Plot"?
Q4) Explain with example the meaning of "Sub-plot"?
Q5) What do you mean by Character development, explain with example?
Q6) Explain in detail the qualities of a good "Dialogs"?
Q7) Write short notes (Any two)
a) Use of "Property" to develop script.
b) Pre-Production.
c) Character Development.
d) Importance of "Action" in a Screen.
e) Concept of "Resolution"
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