University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. (Computer Engg.) (Semester – II) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions: 1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from
Section II.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. a) Explain three methods of character generation. 8
b) Explain the functioning of CRT display device. 10
a) Explain different line styles along with one application each. 8
b) With the help of block diagram explain graphics primitives in interactive devices
and data generation devices (one each). 10
2. a) Explain with example, scan conversion algorithm for convex polygons. 8
b) Write with example, 2D transformation matrix for translation, scaling, rotation
and shear transform. 8
a) Explain with example functioning of seed fill and edge fill algorithms. 8
b) With the help of example, explain the rotation about arbitrary 2D point. 8
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3. a) Explain with example, operations on segments. 8
1) Segment creation 2) Segment deletion 3) Segment renaming.
b) Explain with example, Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm. 8
a) Explain with example, advantages of segment tables. 8
b) Explain with example, generalized clipping algorithm. 8
4. a) With the help of axis system diagram explain advantages of 3D transformations. 10
b) Explain parallel projections with example (any two). 8
a) A 3D square box with vertex A at origin and vertex B(2,2,2) in 3D space, is
shifted such that vertex A becomes A(1,1,1). Give necessary transformation
treatment. 10
b) Explain perspective projection with examples (any two). 8
5. a) Write short notes on : 8
1) Z-buffer algorithm 2) Painter’s algorithm
b) Explain RGB and HSI color models with the help of diagrams. 8
a) Write short notes on : 8
1) Back-face removal algorithm 2) Binary space partitioning.
b) What is diffused illumination and point source illumination ? 8
6. Write short note on B-splines. Give necessary mathematical formulation. 16
Write short note on Bezier curve. Give necessary mathematical formulation. 16
Write short note on fractal lines. Give two examples of fractals. Give necessary
mathematical formulation. 16
S.E. (Computer Engg.) (Semester – II) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions: 1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from
Section II.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. a) Explain three methods of character generation. 8
b) Explain the functioning of CRT display device. 10
a) Explain different line styles along with one application each. 8
b) With the help of block diagram explain graphics primitives in interactive devices
and data generation devices (one each). 10
2. a) Explain with example, scan conversion algorithm for convex polygons. 8
b) Write with example, 2D transformation matrix for translation, scaling, rotation
and shear transform. 8
a) Explain with example functioning of seed fill and edge fill algorithms. 8
b) With the help of example, explain the rotation about arbitrary 2D point. 8
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3. a) Explain with example, operations on segments. 8
1) Segment creation 2) Segment deletion 3) Segment renaming.
b) Explain with example, Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm. 8
a) Explain with example, advantages of segment tables. 8
b) Explain with example, generalized clipping algorithm. 8
4. a) With the help of axis system diagram explain advantages of 3D transformations. 10
b) Explain parallel projections with example (any two). 8
a) A 3D square box with vertex A at origin and vertex B(2,2,2) in 3D space, is
shifted such that vertex A becomes A(1,1,1). Give necessary transformation
treatment. 10
b) Explain perspective projection with examples (any two). 8
5. a) Write short notes on : 8
1) Z-buffer algorithm 2) Painter’s algorithm
b) Explain RGB and HSI color models with the help of diagrams. 8
a) Write short notes on : 8
1) Back-face removal algorithm 2) Binary space partitioning.
b) What is diffused illumination and point source illumination ? 8
6. Write short note on B-splines. Give necessary mathematical formulation. 16
Write short note on Bezier curve. Give necessary mathematical formulation. 16
Write short note on fractal lines. Give two examples of fractals. Give necessary
mathematical formulation. 16
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