University Of Pune Question Paper
Diploma Course in Consumer Protection Laws Examination, 2011
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N.B. : 1) Answer any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. “Liberalisation in commerce has given more boosts to the movement of the
protection of Consumers at National and International level. Comment.
2. State in your words the impact of International Convention on Consumer justice.
3. Explain consumerism ? State in brief the importance of Consumer sovereignty.
4. Consumer organizations and groups can march ahead for the real protection of
Consumers and their rights. Discuss the statement.
5. “Consumers required to be made knowledgeable and not only informed and
media had a greater part to play in doing so.” Elucidate the statement with relevant
6. Comment upon the judicial contribution in the arena of Consumer protection
7. Co-relate the need of Environmental protection with the protection of Rights of
the Consumers.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
a) Need of Consumer lobbying.
b) Healthy Life and Consumers Rights.
c) States’ role towards Consumers.
d) Consumer Rights and Human Rights.
9. Consumer Rights demands best public Utility Services. Did we achieve the same ?
Diploma Course in Consumer Protection Laws Examination, 2011
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N.B. : 1) Answer any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. “Liberalisation in commerce has given more boosts to the movement of the
protection of Consumers at National and International level. Comment.
2. State in your words the impact of International Convention on Consumer justice.
3. Explain consumerism ? State in brief the importance of Consumer sovereignty.
4. Consumer organizations and groups can march ahead for the real protection of
Consumers and their rights. Discuss the statement.
5. “Consumers required to be made knowledgeable and not only informed and
media had a greater part to play in doing so.” Elucidate the statement with relevant
6. Comment upon the judicial contribution in the arena of Consumer protection
7. Co-relate the need of Environmental protection with the protection of Rights of
the Consumers.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
a) Need of Consumer lobbying.
b) Healthy Life and Consumers Rights.
c) States’ role towards Consumers.
d) Consumer Rights and Human Rights.
9. Consumer Rights demands best public Utility Services. Did we achieve the same ?
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