University Of Pune Question Paper
Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Law Examination, 2011
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Question No. 9 is compulsory. Out of remaining
attempt any five questions.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. “Copyright is not only a national but an international character”. Explain the
above statement in the light of Historical Background of Copyright Act. 16
2. Explain nature and scope of Copyright Act. 16
3. Write down Infringement of copyright in literary, dramatic and musical work. 16
4. Discuss copyright subsisting in cinematograph films. 16
5. What are the general provisions of granting and terminating licence ? 16
6. What are the powers given to police in Infringement of Copyright ? 16
7. Discuss kinds of civil remedies to which a plaintiff is entitled under copyright
Act. 16
8. Discuss copyright subsisting in computer programmes. 16
9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 20
a) Copyright Board
b) TRIPS and Copyright
c) Performance Rights
d) Indirect copying.
Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Law Examination, 2011
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Question No. 9 is compulsory. Out of remaining
attempt any five questions.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. “Copyright is not only a national but an international character”. Explain the
above statement in the light of Historical Background of Copyright Act. 16
2. Explain nature and scope of Copyright Act. 16
3. Write down Infringement of copyright in literary, dramatic and musical work. 16
4. Discuss copyright subsisting in cinematograph films. 16
5. What are the general provisions of granting and terminating licence ? 16
6. What are the powers given to police in Infringement of Copyright ? 16
7. Discuss kinds of civil remedies to which a plaintiff is entitled under copyright
Act. 16
8. Discuss copyright subsisting in computer programmes. 16
9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 20
a) Copyright Board
b) TRIPS and Copyright
c) Performance Rights
d) Indirect copying.
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