Looking for CSJM Old Question Papers for BBA course ? You can download here BBA MARKETING MANAGEMENT 2013 question paper. Read more details below.
Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
BBA-304 (N)
B.B.A (Third Semester)
EXAMINATION, December 2013
(New Course)
Paper Fourth
Time : Three Hours ] [Maximum Marks: 70
Note : Attempt all the five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define Marketing. Compare and contrast between the modern marketing concept and selling concept citing suitable examples.
What are the various environment factors that affect the decision-making process of a marketing manager?
2. What do you understand by STP marketing? Explain with examples.
What is a brand? Discuss the concept of brand positioning citing suitable examples.
3. What is a product? What are the various type off product? Explain with examples.
What do you understand by product life cycle ? Explain the concept of PLC citing suitable examples.
4. What is pricing ? What are the different methods of determing price? Discuss with examples.
"Sales promotion tools for traders are entirely differnt from those for consumers." Do you agree ? Support your answer with suitable examples.
5. Write note on any two of the following :
(a) MKIS
(b) Packaging
(c) Media selection
(d) Societal marketing
Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
BBA-304 (N)
B.B.A (Third Semester)
EXAMINATION, December 2013
(New Course)
Paper Fourth
Time : Three Hours ] [Maximum Marks: 70
Note : Attempt all the five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define Marketing. Compare and contrast between the modern marketing concept and selling concept citing suitable examples.
What are the various environment factors that affect the decision-making process of a marketing manager?
2. What do you understand by STP marketing? Explain with examples.
What is a brand? Discuss the concept of brand positioning citing suitable examples.
3. What is a product? What are the various type off product? Explain with examples.
What do you understand by product life cycle ? Explain the concept of PLC citing suitable examples.
4. What is pricing ? What are the different methods of determing price? Discuss with examples.
"Sales promotion tools for traders are entirely differnt from those for consumers." Do you agree ? Support your answer with suitable examples.
5. Write note on any two of the following :
(a) MKIS
(b) Packaging
(c) Media selection
(d) Societal marketing
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