Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Kannur University 2011 Question paper

Are you searching B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Question Papers.
VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg/Suppl./Imp. - Including Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011
(2007 Admn.)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

I. 1. Write short notes on Big O Notation. [Marks 5]

2. Use the master method to give tight asymptotic bounds for the recurrences problem. [Marks 5]
3. How do you construct a Huffman code ? [Marks 5]
4. Write short notes on elements of dynamic programming. [Marks 5]
5. What are the ways of solving NP complete problems ? [Marks 5]
6. Compare Euler tour with Hamiltonian cycle. [Marks 5]
7. Write short notes on probabilistic analysis. [Marks 5]
8. What are indicator random variables ? [Marks 5]

ll. A) Discuss the performance of quick sort algorithm with regards to partitioning. [Marks 15]


B) Explain any two most common techniques used in amortized analysis. [Marks 15]
III. A) Explain the Divide-and-Conquer approach with a suitable example. [Marks 15]

B) Discuss in detail about Back Tracking. [Marks 15]
IV. A) Show that the Hamiltonian-path problem is NP complete. [Marks 15]


B) Show that the subset-sum problem is solvable in polynomial time if the target

value t is expressed in unary. [Marks 15]

V. A) Discuss randomized algorithm for n-Queen problem. [Marks 15]


B) Bring out the importance of Dixons integer factorization algorithm with a real

life example. [Marks 15]

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