Are you searching Dharmsinh Desai University question papers? Here you can find Logical Organization of Computers of 2008 in DDU
Third Sessional Examination [Semister : I (MCA)]
Subject: Logical Organization of Computers
Date: 11-12-2008 Time: 1 Hour Max Marks:36
Q.1 Answer the Following questions. [Marks : 12]
1 What is called negative edge triggering?
2 LSI Provides________, MSI Provides ___________ and VLSI Provides_______
maximum integrated gates.
3 A set of instructions is called _______________
4 There are different ___________ flags available in 8085 Microprocessor.
5 Multiple choice :
1 Data bus is a
a) Unidirectional b) Bidirectional c) Both
2 Control Bus has how many lines?
a) 8-bits b) 16-bits c) None of the above
3 Stack pointer consists total number of bits are
a) 8-bits b) 16-bits c) 32-bits
6 State True or False (Justify)
1) Program counter register store address of instructions
2) Two-Byte instructions stores opcode and operand in same memory location
3) In ripple counter pass clock signals to each flip flop
7 Match following table
Instructions Hex Code
Q2. Answer the Following questions. [Any Three] [Marks 12]
A Discuss Master Slave Flip Flop with Diagram.
B Discuss BCD Ripple counter with appropriate logic gates.
C Explain data transfer and branch instruction set with appropriate example
D Draw a block diagram of RAM Memory unit and how to perform read operation.
E What is meant by Microprocessor? Draw 8085 microprocessor Hardware model
and explain functionality of each.
Q3. Answer the Following questions. [Marks : 12]
A Draw block diagram of memory cell [ 02 ]
B Discuss 4-bit binary Synchronous counter with appropriate logic gates. [ 05 ]
C Draw architecture of 8085 MPU and explain it. [ 05 ]
A Check the addressing modes of the following instructions
1) LDAX B 2) LXI SP, 2000H 3) MOV A,B 4) LDA 2000H [ 02 ]
B Write a program to add two 8-bit data from memory location 0030H and 0031H.
Store result in accumulator register and Draw flowchart. [ 05 ]
C What is meant by shift register?
Explain Shift Right Operation with D-Flip Flop. [ 05 ]
---- BEST LUCK ----
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