Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Diploma Course in Intellectual Property Right Laws,PATENT LAW (Paper – I),2011 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
Diploma Course in Intellectual Property Right Laws Examination, 2011
(Paper – I)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Write a detailed note on procedure for grant of patent. 16
1. What amounts to infringement of patent ? Discuss the remedies available in
case of its infringement. 16
2. Disuss the various grounds for opposition for a grant of patent. 16
2. Explain fully the provisions relating to surrender and revocation of patent. 16
3. Explain the patent law relating to use of inventions for the purpose of
Government and acquisition of invention by Central Government. 16
3. Write a detailed note on ‘Patents of Addition’. 16
4. Examine fully the powers of controller with respect to an application filed for
the grant of patent to an invention. 16
4. State and explain fully the provisions relating to ‘Patent Agent’ as under the
Patent Act, 1970. 16
[3941] – 21 -2-
5. Examine in detail the law relating to ‘specification of invention’. 16
5. Can there be restoration of lapsed patents ? If so explain the legal provisions
and procedure. 16
6. Write short notes on any two : 20
a) Date of patent.
b) Licences in patent.
c) Terms of patent.
d) Intellectual property and economic development.
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