Thursday, December 24, 2015

Diploma in Human Rights Law,PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND DUTIES (Paper – III), 2010 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
Diploma in Human Rights Law Examination, 2010
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
 Instructions : 1) Q. No. 9 is compulsory and it carries 20 marks.
2) Out of remaining questions, attempt any five, each
carries 16 marks.
1. Is there any relationship between International Law and Municipal Law ? If so
explain it with the help of various theories. 16
2. Explain in detail the composition, structure and procedure adopted by European
System of Protection of Human Rights. 16
3. What is the basic aim or object of establishment of UNHRC ? Also explain the
powers and functions of UNHRC. 16
4. Explain the role played by Inter-American Commission of Human Right in
protection of Human Rights. Comment with special reference its powers and
functions. 16
5. Write a detailed note on African Commission in protection and promotion of
Human rights. 16
6. Critically evaluate the relationship between ILO and Human rights. According to
you is ILO successful in protecting human rights in present day ? 16
7. Discuss the role played by “Voluntary agencies and educational institutions” in
promotion and protection of human rights. 16
8. Explain the Jurisdiction and Procedure of Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 16
9. Write short notes on any two : 20
a) UNESCO and Human Rights.
b) Theory of Monism.
c) UN High Commission for Human Rights.
d) Press, Media and Human Rights.
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