Tuesday, December 1, 2015

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Nov Dec 2015 Important Questions

Are you looking for important questions of EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures ? You will here collect the EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures important questions. These are all the expected questions for coming Nov Dec 2015 exams. The exam of EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures is scheduled on 02-12-2015 by Anna University Chennai. It is 03rd Semester Exam for B.E ECE students.

Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E ECE
Third Semester
EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)

1. Explain with the Basic Concepts of object oriented programming. (16)

2. Explain about call-by-reference and return by reference. (16)

3. What is friend function? What is the use of using friend functions in c++? Explain with a program.

4. Explain about Unary Operator and Binary Operator Overloading with program. (16)

5. Explain the various types of Inheritance with suitable example program. (16)

6. What are the virtual functions? Explain their needs using a suitable example. What are the rules
associated with virtual functions? (16)

7. Write notes on Typing conversions and derived class with program. (16)

8. Discuss about manipulators and file streams with Program. (16)

9. Write the ADT for find routine in the linked list. (16)

10. Given singly linked list whose first node is pointed to by the pointer variable C formulate an
algorithm to delete the first occurrence of X from the list and Insert the element X after the position
P in the list. (16)

11. Explain with an example the creation of linked list, insertion and deletion of nodes and swapping of any two nodes. (16)

12. Explain the various application of stack? (16)

13. Explain the operations of insertion of nodes into and deletion of nodes from, a binary search tree
with code. (16)

15. Explain BFS and DFS with example. (16)

16. Explain the various representation of graph with example in detail? (16)

17. Sort the sequence 3, 1, 4,7,S,9,2,6,5 using Insertion sort. (16)

18. Write down the merge sort algorithm and give its worst case, best case and average case analysis.

19. Analyse the time complexity of quick sort algorithm. (16)

20. Explain the Heap sort algorithm with example (16)

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