Thursday, December 10, 2015

ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING: Kannur University B.Tech I&II BASIC E 2010 Question paper

Are you searching Kannur University Question Papers? Here You can find BASIC ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Question Paper
Combined First and Seond Semester B.Tech. Engineering @egularlsupplementar
Degree Bxamination, April 2010
Reg. No. :
Time: 3 Hours
Instruction: Answer all the questions.
I. Answer all the questions :
l) Write the characteristics of a JFET and explain.
2) Write the block diagram of internal architecture of 8085.
3) What are the principles of optical fibre ?
4) What is frequency reusage ? Where it is used ?
II. 5. a) What is Barkhausen criterion ? Explain.
b) What are the principles of CRT ?
6. a) with a block diagrarn of a cRo, explain its working.
b) With a neat sketch, explain the working of a PNP transistor.
Max. Marks: 100
m. 7. a) Compare AM, FM and PM.
b) The total power content of an AM wave is 1200W for 8}%modulation.
r) Pc ii) PSB.
8. a) A 500V/, I MHz carrier is amplitude modulated with a sinusoidal signal of
1 KFIz. The depth of modulation is 60%. Calculate the bandwidth,
PSB and Pt. g
b) With a block diagram, explain the earth station. 6

IV. Answer all the questions :
l) What are the conrmon problems in mother board ?
2) Write a note on system booting.
3) Write a note on high level languages.
4) Write a brief note on different network topologies.
V. 5. a) Write a note on computer output units.
b) How to install an operating systems ?
6. a) With a block diagram of a 3-bit, 4 word per word memory explain the
b) How trouble shooting can be done in play devices ?
VL 7 . a) Explain the terms : E-Mail, File transfer, Remote login.
b) Write a note on algorithms.
8. a) Write a note on application and impact of the internet on society.
b) How to test a program ? Explain.


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