University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. (Production & Industrial Engg.) (Semester – II) Examination, 2011
(Common to Production S/W)
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
2) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
4) Solve Q. 1 or Q. 2, Q. 3 or Q. 4, Q. 5 or Q. 6 from Section – I
and Q. 7 or Q. 8, Q. 9 or Q. 10, Q. 11 or Q. 12 from Section– II.
1. a) Derive an expression for critical resolved shear stress of a single crystal. 4
b) Show the following planes and directions in the cubic unit cell (any four) : 4
(221), (1 1 0 ), (101), [110], [112].
c) Explain the following terms : 4
Recovery, recrystallization, grain growth polygenization.
d) Write a note on defects in crystal. 4
2. a) Differentiate between the following : 8
i) slip and tuinning
ii) cold working and hot working.
b) What is strain hardening ? Explain any one mechanism. 4
c) What are classes of engineering materials other than metallic materials with
example ? 4
3. a) Draw self explanatory sketches for the following (any four) : 8
i) Creep curve
ii) S – N curve for Aluminium
iii) Impact ‘v’ notch charpy specimen
iv) Rockwell dial of the machine
v) Stress-strain curve for steel.
b) Explain mechanism for fatigue type of failure. 2
c) State advantages and disadvantages of the following tests (any four) : 8
i) Rockwell hardness test
ii) Ultrasonic NDT test
iii) Brinell hardness test
iv) Durometer
v) Moh’s scale of hardness
vi) Shore’s scleroscope.
4. a) Suggest suitable hardness test (with scale, load if any) (any four) : 8
i) High speed steel tool
ii) Milling cutter
iii) Flywheel
iv) White cast iron
v) Brass
vi) Aluminium.
b) Explain following test (any five) : 10
i) Dye penetrant test
ii) Pulse echo method
iii) Longitudinal magnitisation using magnaflux
iv) Creep test
v) X-ray radiography.
5. a) What is coring ? Suggest suitable remedies to reduce it. 4
b) Explain Hume Ruthery’s rules of solid solubility. 4
c) Find out degree of freedom (F) for the following cooling curve : 4
Pure metal, Binary eutectic.
d) Differentiate between substitutional and interstitial solid solution. 4
6. a) Explain with microstructure cooling in ISO-morphous system. 4
b) Derive Lever Rule. 4
c) What is Gibb’s phase rule ? Explain its importance. 4
d) Explain with example cooling of ‘Layer Type System’. 4
7. a) Explain the working of ‘Resistance Pyrometer’ with advantages and
disadvantages. 6
b) Explain the requirements of Thermocouple. State at least two types of
thermocouple composition with temp. 6
c) What is age hardening ? State conditions. Explain steps involve in age
hardening. 6
8. a) Explain principle, working, application of disappearing type pyrometer. 6
b) Write formula of Hall-patch equation in grain refinement. Advantages of grain
refinement over the other method. 6
c) What is martensitic transformation ? Explain. Write two metal/alloy which
show martensitic transformation. 6
9. a) Suggest suitable metals and production process in detail for the following : 8
i) Self lubricated bearing
ii) Electrical contacts
iii) Cermets.
b) What is powder conditioning ? 4
c) State advantages and disadvantages of powder metallurgy method. 4
10. a) Which methods will you recommend for the manufacturing of powders of the
following metals ? 4
i) Cu ii) Fe iii) Ni iv) W
b) Explain ‘Sintering’. 4
c) With flow chart explain following (any two) : 8
i) Cemented carbide
ii) Electrical contact material
iii) Diamond impregnated tool
iv) Friction material.
11. a) Differentiate between the following : 12
i) H2 embrittlement and H2 attack
ii) Dry corrosion and wet corrosion
iii) Cathodic and anodic inhibitors.
b) Write a note on ‘Ion Implantation’. 4
12. a) Write note on (any two) : 8
i) Anodising
ii) Thermal spray deposition
iii) Stress-corrosion cracking.
b) Explain physical vapour Deposition (PVD). 4
c) Explain surface preparation techniques for plating or coating. 4
S.E. (Production & Industrial Engg.) (Semester – II) Examination, 2011
(Common to Production S/W)
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
2) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
4) Solve Q. 1 or Q. 2, Q. 3 or Q. 4, Q. 5 or Q. 6 from Section – I
and Q. 7 or Q. 8, Q. 9 or Q. 10, Q. 11 or Q. 12 from Section– II.
1. a) Derive an expression for critical resolved shear stress of a single crystal. 4
b) Show the following planes and directions in the cubic unit cell (any four) : 4
(221), (1 1 0 ), (101), [110], [112].
c) Explain the following terms : 4
Recovery, recrystallization, grain growth polygenization.
d) Write a note on defects in crystal. 4
2. a) Differentiate between the following : 8
i) slip and tuinning
ii) cold working and hot working.
b) What is strain hardening ? Explain any one mechanism. 4
c) What are classes of engineering materials other than metallic materials with
example ? 4
3. a) Draw self explanatory sketches for the following (any four) : 8
i) Creep curve
ii) S – N curve for Aluminium
iii) Impact ‘v’ notch charpy specimen
iv) Rockwell dial of the machine
v) Stress-strain curve for steel.
b) Explain mechanism for fatigue type of failure. 2
c) State advantages and disadvantages of the following tests (any four) : 8
i) Rockwell hardness test
ii) Ultrasonic NDT test
iii) Brinell hardness test
iv) Durometer
v) Moh’s scale of hardness
vi) Shore’s scleroscope.
4. a) Suggest suitable hardness test (with scale, load if any) (any four) : 8
i) High speed steel tool
ii) Milling cutter
iii) Flywheel
iv) White cast iron
v) Brass
vi) Aluminium.
b) Explain following test (any five) : 10
i) Dye penetrant test
ii) Pulse echo method
iii) Longitudinal magnitisation using magnaflux
iv) Creep test
v) X-ray radiography.
5. a) What is coring ? Suggest suitable remedies to reduce it. 4
b) Explain Hume Ruthery’s rules of solid solubility. 4
c) Find out degree of freedom (F) for the following cooling curve : 4
Pure metal, Binary eutectic.
d) Differentiate between substitutional and interstitial solid solution. 4
6. a) Explain with microstructure cooling in ISO-morphous system. 4
b) Derive Lever Rule. 4
c) What is Gibb’s phase rule ? Explain its importance. 4
d) Explain with example cooling of ‘Layer Type System’. 4
7. a) Explain the working of ‘Resistance Pyrometer’ with advantages and
disadvantages. 6
b) Explain the requirements of Thermocouple. State at least two types of
thermocouple composition with temp. 6
c) What is age hardening ? State conditions. Explain steps involve in age
hardening. 6
8. a) Explain principle, working, application of disappearing type pyrometer. 6
b) Write formula of Hall-patch equation in grain refinement. Advantages of grain
refinement over the other method. 6
c) What is martensitic transformation ? Explain. Write two metal/alloy which
show martensitic transformation. 6
9. a) Suggest suitable metals and production process in detail for the following : 8
i) Self lubricated bearing
ii) Electrical contacts
iii) Cermets.
b) What is powder conditioning ? 4
c) State advantages and disadvantages of powder metallurgy method. 4
10. a) Which methods will you recommend for the manufacturing of powders of the
following metals ? 4
i) Cu ii) Fe iii) Ni iv) W
b) Explain ‘Sintering’. 4
c) With flow chart explain following (any two) : 8
i) Cemented carbide
ii) Electrical contact material
iii) Diamond impregnated tool
iv) Friction material.
11. a) Differentiate between the following : 12
i) H2 embrittlement and H2 attack
ii) Dry corrosion and wet corrosion
iii) Cathodic and anodic inhibitors.
b) Write a note on ‘Ion Implantation’. 4
12. a) Write note on (any two) : 8
i) Anodising
ii) Thermal spray deposition
iii) Stress-corrosion cracking.
b) Explain physical vapour Deposition (PVD). 4
c) Explain surface preparation techniques for plating or coating. 4
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