Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Entrepreneurship: Kannur University Question 2011 04th Semester Question Paper

Are you searching Kannur University Question Papers? Here You can find Entrepreneurship Question Paper.

IV Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.A./B.B.A.T.T.M./B.B.M./B.C.A./B.S.W.
(CCSS-Regular) Degree Examination, March 2011
COMMERCE (General Course)
Time: 3 Hours  Max.WGP: 120

This part consist of two bunches of questions carrying equal weightage one. Each bunch consists of four objective type questions. Answer all questions:

I. Fill in the blanks:
1) The dynamic theory of entrepreneurship was first advocated by __________
2) Entrepreneur who has readiness to adopt successful innovation of others is called ___________ entrepreneur.
3) EDP means ______________
4) Lump sum financial help given by government to industries as onetime payment is called ____________
(W=1) (WGP 4)

II. 5) The initial capital required to obtain loans from financial institution is called

a) Venture capital
b) Seed capital
c) Fixed capital
d) Working capital

6) DIC means

a) Direct Investment Centre
b) District Industries Centre
c) District Investment Centre
d) None of these

7) The following provides incentives to small scale industries

a) Subsidy
b) Tax holiday
c) Excise concessions
d) All of them

8) To provide accommodation to S.S.I. at suitable sites ___________ is formed.

a) Industrial estate
b) Project centres
c) Technical consultancy
d) Small scale development board
 (W=1) (WGP 4)

Answer any 8 questions in one or two sentences each. Each question carries a weightage of one:
9) Define entrepreneur.
10) Who is an intrapreneur?
11) Who is a technical entrepreneur?
12) Define achievement motivation.
13) What is WIESBUD?
14) Define SSI.
15) Expand:


16) What is the main function of EDII?
17) What is TCO?
18) Define project report. (W=8x1=8) (WGP=8x4x1=32)

Answer any six questions. Answer not to exceed one page. Each question carries a weightage of two:
19) Examine the importance of entrepreneurship.
20) Distinguish between entrepreneur and manager.
21) Explain any two theories of entrepreneurship.
22) What are the important functions of an entrepreneur?
23) Explain the term EDP.
24) Write a note on rural entrepreneurship.
25) Examine the role of SISI in EDP.
26) Explain entrepreneurial motivation.        (W=6x2=12) (WGP=6x4x2=48)

Answer any two. Each question carries a weightage of four.
27) Discuss the role of entrepreneurship in economic development of a country.
28) Describe the problems faced by women entrepreneurs. Also state the steps taken for the development of women entrepreneurs.
29) Describe the characteristics of SSI. Also explain the problems of SSI.
(W=2x4=8) (WGP=2x4x4=32)

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1 comment:

  1. Kannur university entrepreneurship previous year question paper


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