Saturday, December 12, 2015

HOTEL ENGINEERING,B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III),2010 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate
(2) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic
pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed.
(3) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
Q.1) Answer the following : (Any Two) [2x10=20]
(a) State responsibilities of Maintenance Engineer related to :
• Energy Conservation and
• Stores of Maintenance Section
(b) Draw sketch and explain Household Refrigerator.
(c) Compare : Window AC and Central AC with any five points
and a block diagram.
Q.2) Answer the following : (Any Three) [3x5=15]
(a) Define and explain in brief :
• Dehumidifier
• Ton of Refrigerator
(b) Describe Incineration Method used for Pollution Control in a
(c) State factors controlled in an AC System.
(d) Explain Maintenance Planning with an example from Hotel.
Q.3) Answer the following : (Any Two) [2x10=20]
(a) Describe Cold Water (upfeed and downfeed) Supply System for
a Hotel.
(b) What is Earthing ? State its importance. Explain any one type
with sketch.
(c) State and explain any ten systems/devices in which energy can
be conserved in a Hotel.
Q.4) Answer the following : (Any Three) [3x5=15]
(a) Explain Trap, its use and types with neat sketches.
(b) Describe use of Solar Systems for a Hotel.
(c) Explain any one type of Fire Extinguisher with sketch.
(d) For a seminar organised in a hotel, a tea making machine (1 kW)
is used for 3 hours per day. An LCD is also used for 8 hours
per day, which has consumption of (0.7 kW). If both of them
are used for a five day seminar, what will be electricity charges
charged to Organiser ? (Assume Rate Rs. 5/kWH)
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