Tuesday, December 8, 2015

INCOME TAX AND AGRICULTURAL INCOME TAX Paper – II (Old Course),D.T. L. Examination,2011 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
D.T. L. Examination, 2011
Paper – II (Old Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
 N.B. : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any 5 of the rest.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Mr. Ramesh is the Sales Manager in a Company. He provides you the following,
information for the previous year ending on 31-3-2010.
1) Basic salary Rs. 14,500 p.m.
2) Dearness Allowance Rs. 1,500 p.m.
3) Bonus Rs. 24,000.
4) Commission on sales at 10%.
5) Sales during the year Rs. 32,01,600.
6) Perquisite value of car Rs. 27,540 being used for personal purpose.
7) Education Allowance at Rs. 1,300 per month.
8) Received Entertainment Allowance at Rs. 1,825 p.m. since 1st Jan. 1987.
9) He was abroad on company’s work during the month of Feb. 2010. Expenses
incurred by him abroad Rs. 96,385 was reimbursed to him.
10) Employer deducted profession tax Rs. 2,100 for the year 2009-10.
You are required to compute taxable salary of Mr. Ramesh for the
A.Y. 2010-11. 25
2. The net profit of Mr. Mohan of Madurai as per this profit and loss are for the year
ended 31-3-2010 after charging the following items was Rs. 2,40,000.
a) Interest on capital 20,000
b) Salary to staff 1,16,000
c) Office Expenses 3,000
d) Bad debts written off 13,000
e) Provision for Bad debts 10,000
f) Provision for Income Tax 16,000
g) Donation 10,000
h) Depreciation 17,000
Depreciation allowable as per the Act is only Rs. 12,000. Compute income from
business. 15
3. What is depreciation ? How is it charged under the Income Tax Act ? 15
4. Although there is a transfer of capital asset and there are capital gains, but they
are exempt from tax. Discuss. 15
5. Explain the provisions relating to tax to be deducted at source under Income Tax
Act. 15
6. Explain the scheme of partial integration of agricultural income with the total
income for computing tax liability. 15
7. Discuss the scope of power of the Commissioner of Income Tax. 15
8. Write short notes on any three :
a) Advance payment of Tax
b) Person
c) Types of Assessment
d) Return
e) Exempted perquisites. 15

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