Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Internet And Web Programming With Java November 2011 Kannur University Question paper

Are you searching B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find INTERNET AND WEB PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA Question Papers.

VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup./Imp. - Including part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011
(2007 Admn.)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

I. 1) Describe the creation of a simple interface using Swing that will enable a
user to input the following partitioned fields :

. First and Last names

. Email Address

. Password and its validation. [Marks 5]

2) Explain with an example about the event handling using Java Swing with an example. [Marks 5]

3) How is data manipulation and data navigation done in Java Database Connectivity ? [Marks 5]

4) Explain how a servlet is created and executed with an example. [Marks 5]

5) Illustrate with an example about how control statements are executed in HTML. [Marks 5]

6) Discuss about the Document Object Mode! with an application for it. [Marks 5]

7) Describe about the standard actions in server side scripting language. [Marks 5]

8) Illustrate with an example about how dynamic contents are added and executed in PHP. [Marks 5]

II. A) Define a Layout. Mention the different types of layouts implemented in Java with an example for each. [Marks 15]


B) Explain in detail about the Swing basic containers and Swing components
with examples. [Marks 15]

III. A) Explain the life cycle of a Servlet. Also explain how the session tracking is
done in Servlets ? [Marks 15]


B) Define JDBC. Mention the components used in JDBC. List out the steps to
Connect to the database using JDBC with an example. [Marks 15]

IV. A) Illustrate with an example, the working of HTML tags, Frames and forms. [Marks 15]


B) With a complete example, illustrate the working of the Simple Object Access
Protocol. [Marks 15]

V. A) Explain any one application in detail using PHP. Also mention the steps
used for solving the application. [Marks 15]


B) Define a JSP. Mention its advantages and applications. Also explain with an
example about the Scripting components involved in the JSP. [Marks 15]

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