Saturday, December 12, 2015

IT – 55 : ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGY (Elective),University Of Pune Question Paper, 2010 Question Paper,M.C.A. (Mgt. Faculty) (Semester – V)

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.C.A. (Mgt. Faculty) (Semester – V) Examination, 2010
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
 Instructions : 1) Question 1 and Question 7 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any four questions from remaining.
1. What are JSP actions ? Explain error handling in JSP with example. 15
2. Write ASP program to accept name and birth date of the user and display calendar
of birth – month in the client’s browser. 10
3. What is thread safety in Servlets ? Write a Servlet which will display the count of
number of times a client has accessed it. 10
4. Write PHP code for displaying details of patients stored in the database. (Assume
suitable table structure). 10
5. Write a PERL program to accept name of text file from user. The file will contain
short listed candidate records. Each row has cand no. : name : qualification :
specialization. Display names of computer specialization candidate from the file. 10
6. Explain Session and Cookies in PHP. 10
7. Write short notes on (any three) : 15
a) HTTP Request and Response
b) E Commerce Architecture
c) CGI Architecture
d) Arrays in PHP.

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