University Of Pune Question Paper
IV - B.S.L (Five year law course)
(Paper - 28) (Optional (b)) (2003 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Question No. 9 is compulsory. It carries 20 marks.
2) Attempt any five out of the remaining. Each question carries 16 marks.
Q1) Define comparative Law. Discuss its scope and object. [16]
Q2) Enumerate and explain the sources of English Law. [16]
Q3) Explain the practical benefit of Comparative Law as an aid to the legislature
and as a tool of construction? [16]
Q4) Distinguish between Romanistic and Gemanic families? [16]
Q5) How is Comparative Law studied through process of comparison and
functionality of laws? Explain. [16]
Q6) Explain the comparative dimensions of the following : [16]
a) Illegality and immorality.
b) Offer and acceptance.
Q7) Explain the comparative dimensions of law of Torts. [16]
Q8) Distinguish between Comparative Law and Public International Law. [16]
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Q9) Write short notes on any two : [20]
a) Difference in Legal Terminology in various legal systems.
b) Legal system having mixed features.
c) Rule of Law.
d) Judges and Courts.
IV - B.S.L (Five year law course)
(Paper - 28) (Optional (b)) (2003 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Question No. 9 is compulsory. It carries 20 marks.
2) Attempt any five out of the remaining. Each question carries 16 marks.
Q1) Define comparative Law. Discuss its scope and object. [16]
Q2) Enumerate and explain the sources of English Law. [16]
Q3) Explain the practical benefit of Comparative Law as an aid to the legislature
and as a tool of construction? [16]
Q4) Distinguish between Romanistic and Gemanic families? [16]
Q5) How is Comparative Law studied through process of comparison and
functionality of laws? Explain. [16]
Q6) Explain the comparative dimensions of the following : [16]
a) Illegality and immorality.
b) Offer and acceptance.
Q7) Explain the comparative dimensions of law of Torts. [16]
Q8) Distinguish between Comparative Law and Public International Law. [16]
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Q9) Write short notes on any two : [20]
a) Difference in Legal Terminology in various legal systems.
b) Legal system having mixed features.
c) Rule of Law.
d) Judges and Courts.
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