Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kannur University 2012 B.A Islamic History Core- NoISH5 B07 Muslims in Europe Question paper

Are you searching Kannur University Question papers? Here you can get B.A Islamic History.
Kannur University Question papers
Subject: B.A Islamic History
Time: three Hours
Total Weightage: 27
A. 1 word ans ques..
1. The place name Gibraltar came from:
2. The Mountain ranges ranging from Spain and France is:
3. The greatest astronomer of Muslim Spain is :
4. Full title of Muqaddimah is
Fill in the blanks
5 Umayyah Khalifah Sulaiman humiliated ……….
6 Tahafut Al Tahafut is the work of ……………
7. The greatest botanist of Muslim Spain is …………
8. Al Hambra is situated in …………….
Weightage: 1
Weightage: 1
select the accurate ans.
9. Who was Al Dakhil ?
a) Abdul Rahman I
b) Abdul Rahman II
c) Abdul Rahman III d) Al-Hakam
10.Which was the capital of Banu-Nasr dynasty?
a) Granada b) Cordova c) Sicily
11.The 1st Khalifah of Muslim Spain is
a) Abdul Rahman I
c) Abdul Rahman III
a) Roger I
b) Abdul Rahman II
d) Al-Hakam
c) Ferdinand d) Fredirick
Weightage: 1
d) Petra
12 Who was half heathen King?
b) Roger II
Match the subsequent
13 Al-Saffar
14 Fatimiyyah
15 Salahuddin
16 Ghaznawi
Write actual or False
17 Tariq Ibn Ziyad was the 1st 1 to land in Spain.
18 Abdul Rahman II was the 1st Khalifah of Spain.
19 Ibn Rushd was a great historian.
20 Pyrenees is a mountain ranging from Spain and Portugal.
Weightage: 1
- 909
- Saffari
- Al-Biruni
- Eagle
Weightage: 1
ans in a snippet
21 Umar Khayyam
22 Al- Biruni
23 Ibn Sina
24 Nuruddin Zangi
25 Baybars
26 Nasiruddin Tusi
Write Short Essays
27 dhowtoexamuss how Abdul Rahman succeeded in establishing a new Amirate in
28 Evaluate the character of Al- Hakam II.
29 Assess the life and works of Ibn Khaldun.
30 Specify the remnants of Arab intellectual and scientific impact on
European languages.
Write Essays
31 The long rule of Abdul Rahman III and its international effects.
Weightage: 4
32 Intellectual contribution of Muslim Spain and its impact in European
Weightage: 4
Weightage: 2

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