Thursday, December 10, 2015


Are you searching Kannur University Question Papers? Here You can find BASIC MECHANICAL ENGG. Question Paper
Combined First and Second Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup./Imp. includinl
Part Time) Degree Examination, April 20ll
(2007 Admn.)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks :
Instructions : i) Answer all questions.
ii) Missing data if any may be suitably assumed.
1. a) Define 'internal energy'. Also prove that it is a property of the system.
b) Derive the expression for work transfer in a polyropic process.
c) Give comparison between two stroke and four stroke engines.
d) Sketch and explain the working principle of centrifugal pump.
e) Draw the temperature - enthalpy diagram of formation of steam. Also represent
and define the following on it :
Safuration temperature, sensible heat, latent heat.
0 Detine and explain relative humidity, specific humidity and degree of saturation.
g) Sketch and explain the principle of extrusion.
h) What is cylindrical grinding ? Explain with a neat sketch. (5x8=
2. a) A Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers both immersed in a fluid, and the
numerical value recorded on both thermometers is same. Determine the
temperature of the fluid expressed as oK and oR and also find that identical
value shown by thermometers.
b) State and explain first law of thermodynamics.
c) Agas occupies 0.3 m3 at 2bar.It executes a cycle consisting of following
processes :
l) l-2 constant pressure process with work interaction of 15 kJ
ii) 2-3 Isothermal compression process
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- iii) 3-l - constant volume process in which decrease in internal energy is 40 kJ.
Neglect changes in KE and PE. Draw P-V diagram for the processes and
determine network transfer for the cycle. Also show that first law is obeyed
by the cycle.
3. a) In an air standard diesel cycle, clearance volume is 7o/o of the stroke volume.
The pressure and temperature of air at the beginning of compression are I bar
and 27" C. The maximum temperature in the cycle is 1900 K. Calculate the
t) Compression ratio
ii) Cut-offratio
iii) Heat transferred to air in kJ&g
lv) Heat transferred from air in kJA.g.
v) Cycle efficiency.
b) Sketch and explain the working of :
r) Pelton turbine
ii) Kaplan turbine.
4. a) List various boiler mountings and accessories. Also mention their location and
functions. 1 5
b) Sketch and explain the working of vapour absorption refrigeration system. Also
name some commonly used refrigerants and their specific applications"
5. a) Sketch and explain the principle of :
t) Welding
ii) Soldering
iii) Brazing.
b) Draw a neat sketch of Fngine Lathe and label its parts. Also give a list ofvarious
operations that can be performed on lathe.
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